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Permanent vs. Temporary Fillers: A Comprehensive Guide to Ellanse and Other Options

Permanent vs. Temporary Fillers: A Comprehensive Guide to Ellanse and Other Options
Are you considering dermal fillers to restore your youthful appearance but confused about your options? With several fillers around, selecting between permanent and temporary can be overwhelming. This comprehensive guide explores the worlds of permanent versus temporary fillers, emphasizing Ellanse and other popular choices.

How Dermal Fillers Work

Dermal fillers are noninvasive, injectable treatments that help regain lost volume, iron out wrinkles, and accentuate features. There are two broad categories of fillers: permanent and temporary.

Permanent Fillers

Permanent fillers are usually long-acting; many times, years may pass before their effects fade. When used, these fillers stimulate the growth of collagen to naturally generate tissues.


Ellanse is a new kind of PCL filler with results lasting as long as 4 years. Unique properties of Ellanse include the following:

Induction of Collagen
Immediate and Gradual Action
Indicated for restoring facial volume, nasolabial folds, and marionette lines

Temporary Fillers

These fillers provide relatively shorter lengths of effectiveness, usually from 6 to 24 months in duration.

Hyaluronic Acid Fillers


Immediate effects
May be used for thin lines, lip augmentation, and restoration of facial volume
Less invasive

Calcium Hydroxylapatite Fillers

- Radiesse

- Stimulates collagen production
- Indicated for nasolabial folds, marionette lines, and restoration of facial volume
- Duration of action: as long as 2 years

Choosing the Right Filler

The choice of the perfect filler is based on:

- Issues in the face, whether wrinkles, loss of volume, or enhancement of lips
- How long you would like the results to last
- The type and condition of your skin
- The preference of the individual

Consultation and Treatment

At Bruno Dermal Filler, our expert will guide you through:

- Personal consultations
- Customized treatment plans
- Safe and effective injections

Both permanent and temporary fillers have advantages. Knowing your options and consulting experts is the best way to make informed decisions.


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